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Dr. Thomas Horst: “The Amazing (Hi-)Story of the Bavarian Army Library Map Collection – Reconstructed 60 Years After Its Restitution to Germany"

  • Wednesday, November 30, 2022
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom

Sponsored in partnership with the Boston, California, Chicago, New York, Philip Lee Phillips, Rocky Mountain, and Texas Map Societies

(Arranged with the assistance of the Philip Lee Phillips Society)

Location: Zoom

Time:  7:00 pm ET/6:00 pm CT/5:00 pm MT/4:00 pm PT

Title: The Amazing (Hi-)Story of the Bavarian Army Library Map Collection – Reconstructed 60 Years After Its Restitution to Germany

Speaker:  Dr. Thomas Horst (CIUHCT/FCUL), Interuniversity Centre for the History of Science and Technology, Department for History and Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon, Portugal

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the restitution of the Bavarian Army Library to Germany, this paper reconstructs the amazing story of one of the largest collections of military books and maps, that survived destruction during World War II and was taken by American soldiers in 1946 to the US, where it was stored in the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. for more than a decade, until its restoration to Germany in 1962. Dr. Horst will shed new light on the history of this special collection (going back to the beginning of the nineteenth century) and its diverse provenances. He will also present exemplarily (manuscript) maps that are currently dispersed in different Bavarian institutions.

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