The Portolan Issue #93 - Fall 2015 ARTICLES Mapping Siege: The 1570-1 Conquest of Cyprus on Italian Siege Maps of Nicosia and Famagusta, by Merve Arkan Mapping Over There: The American Army and Mapping in World War I, by Ryan Moore Comanche Cartography Rediscovered: The ‘Battle of Sierra Blanca’ Pictograph of 1787, by Alex Johnson and Barry Ruderman Seeking the Northwest Passage: Rhetoric and Allegory in Henry Briggs’s The North Part of America, by Leah Thomas RECENT PUBLICATIONS This regular feature, a bibliographic listing of articles and books appearing worldwide on antique maps and globes and the history of cartography, is compiled by Joel Kovarsky. BOOK REVIEWS Cyprus at the Crossroads: Geographical Perceptions and Representations from the Fifteenth Century (Reviewer: Bert Johnson) The Evolution of Washington, D.C. - Historical Selections from the Albert H. Small Washingtoniana Collection at the George Washington University (Reviewer: Dennis Gurtz) SHORTER ITEMS 1. Acting President’s Fall 2015 Letter, by Ed Redmond 2. Washington Map Society Meetings: September - December 2015 3. Exhibitions and Meetings 4. Map Site Seeing 5. Ristow Prize Competition 2016 6. Letters to the Editor - Hessler/Pflederer 7. Essay to the Editor – Ostrich and Lenox Globes, with response – Dickson/Missinne 8. Antiquarian Map Acquisition and Sales: Panel Discussion, April 16, 2015, by Leigh Lockwood 9. WMS Annual Business Meeting, April 16, 2015, by Hal Meinheit 10. WMS 36th Annual Dinner, May 14, 2015, by J.C. McElveen 11. Spotlight on the WMS Membership – Louise Baptiste, Bob Hansen, Bron Percival 12. Cartographic Notes, by Thomas Sander |