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The Portolan

Issue #91 - Winter 2014


Reoriented Perspectives on the Clowes Map of 1701, by Richard (Rick) Laprairie

The U.S. Johnson Map Project’s Rarity Index for Johnson Atlas Maps, by Ira S. Lourie

26th ICHC – Antwerp – July 2015, by Bert Johnson


This regular feature, a bibliographic listing of articles and books appearing worldwide on antique maps and globes and the history of cartography, is compiled by Joel Kovarsky.


The Beatus Maps: the Revelation of the World in the Middle Ages (Reviewer: Leah Thomas)

The True Geography of Our Country: Jefferson’s Cartographic Vision (Reviewer: Douglas Lyon)

Christopher Columbus Book of Privileges: 1502 – The Claiming of a New World (Reviewer: Don McGuirk)

Encyclopedia of Imaginary and Mythical Places and The Book Of Legendary Lands (Reviewer: J.B. Post)

Maps of Malaya and Borneo: Discovery, Statehood and Progress (Reviewer: Hal Meinheit)

Mapping the New World – Renaissance Maps from the American Museum in Britain (Reviewer: Bill Stanley)


1. President’s Winter 2014 Letter, by Ted Callaway

2. Ristow Prize 2014 Winners Announced

3. Washington Map Society Meetings: December 2014 – May 2015

4. Exhibitions and Meetings

5. Map Site Seeing

6. Letters to the Editor

7. Ristow Prize Competition 2015

8. The Newly Renovated G&M Division, Library of Congress, by Leigh Lockwood

9. 35th Anniversary - Washington Map Society – Part III – A Look Forward, by Bill Stanley

10. Editors Honored on Portolan’s 30th Anniversary, by Leigh Lockwood

11. Spotlight on the WMS Membership – Karl Barnum, Joe Fitzgerald, Manuel Knight

12. Cartographic Notes, by Thomas Sander

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